Saturday, February 28, 2009

We could hang around, by the pool

Well, believe it or not, summer's only four months away. While I sat here today, pondering over what I could possibly do all summer(Besides going outside, that's WAY out of the question. I mean, it's not like you need sunlight to survive or anything, right?), and I thought to myself hey, why don't I just sit down all summer beating every video game one at a time? and then I thought hmmm...a lot of my friends names start with "T". Both of these ridiculous and meaningless thoughts sparked an idea into my mind, I could actually hang out with some friends! What a wonderful idea! That way, my skin wouldn't look like a piece of food that has been left out too long, and has started growing M O L D. But then again, who really wants to be with friends when you can be sitting on your butt playing brain-damaging games all day long. Maybe I'll stick closer to home this year.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Check these guys out, they are some great guitarists, yet not very famous.

Hope you enjoyed it!