Saturday, July 25, 2009

Random inspiration

I know this would have been a perfect Mother's day post, but, look at the title.

I love you,
The one who picked me up when I was down,
Who comforted me when I had nightmares,
And fought away the darkness in the night.

I love you,
Who walked for miles to make sure I was fed,
Who did nothing but good for me my whole life,
Who never gave up, despite the darkening storm that is life.

I love you,
Who thought of me and my brother and sister first,
always, no matter what,
I love you, a rock in a storm, a shelter in the rain, I love you, Mom. :)


compulsively yours...for now said...

oh you made me cry, you are now my fave child...but dont tell the other brats.

Native Minnow said...

Sappy. I'm going to slap you the next time I see you. Don't think I won't.

Native Minnow said...


Lightning Strikes said...

Thats sweet!