Tuesday, February 9, 2010

That's not my son!

I went to my dad's blog today, and I thought that it was cool that I could know what was going on in his life. Then I decided that I should probably start blogging again, because I know you guys missed me.

Last week, on Monday, I fell off my skateboard and knocked out a couple of teeth. I'm totally joking. But I did bust my knee, and I had to get stitches.

I told Bernie that the first thing I thought when I hit the ground was, "I hope I can still skate tomorrow." Apparently I couldn't, because I was in the hospital from 8:35 till 10:46 getting stitches.

I also wasn't able to run or play flag football in PE. It sucked.

Two days later I told myself, "Whatever. I'm going to run today, and I will play too." I was the only one on the blue team that was even trying, and I couldn't even bend my knee all the way.

I am still not supposed to, but I thought that it was probably healed enough so that I could skate yesterday. It was, because I skated for 3 hours with my friend and there was no damage to my knee. We later went to Pepe's, a local taco shop.

I saw some of Tor's friends that I had met before there. I said hi to one of them, Noodles, and she just said, "Why does that kid look so familiar?"

I had to explain that she was the one who taught me how to do ballet. That helped her remember me. How embarrassing.

After she remembered me, she gave me a hug. The other friend, who we will just refer to as "Funny Guy", said "Don't give her a hug, she didn't even remember you dawg."

After we skated with them for a second, we went inside to get some food.
After we ate, we started skating home, and I hit a crack in the sidewalk and I fell off my board and hit my knee. The one with the stitches in it. You know, the one I wasn't supposed to be skating on?

Oh yeah that one.

I called Madre, and she drove me the rest of the eight streets home (I know, I'm a pansy.)

When we got home I put Hydrogen Peroxide on it, and turned on a light to look at it. Apparently I had ripped out one of the stitches. Ouch.

I put a Band-Aid on it and went to bed.

It still stings.

So yeah. That's been my life the past week, sparing some details and small unimportant experiences.


Inklings said...

I'm glad you are blogging again.

compulsively yours...for now said...

when they have to amputate your knee then maybe you will listen.

dang kid!

Native Minnow said...

Serves you right for skating when you shouldn't have been. And I would agree with the guy who said not to hug the girl who didn't remember you. Unless she was hott. Always hug a hott girl given the opportunity. Even if she doesn't remember you.

PsychDoctor said...

One word...superglue

Dee Ice Hole said...

Bud--I am glad you put a new post on here--you are glad to see what your dad is doing---I am glad to see what you are doing. It is one way to stay in touch.

Anonymous said...

Ya, I fell of me skateboard once! ME son told me a 49 year old women should not be doing backflips off skate ramps but what does he know. I had a whale of a time till I landed on me faace and cracked out 4 teeth!!!!