Friday, May 29, 2009


Wow. So, I'm really bored. I guess sitting at home in front of the computer listening to music just isn't good enough for me. I tried to get out of the house, i really did, but the Thingummys just won't leave me alone. Today I got my yearbook signed though. and, I was surprised at how awesome people think I am.

Dude you are freaking amazing! Have a great summer! - C.
And that's coming from the girl who thinks that everyone is immature and not funny.
I had so many people sign that people I don't even know signed it.

Have an super awesome SUMMER - K.
who is this kid? I have no idea, but he must think I'm pretty awesome, huh?

Then in math I asked the girl next to me to sign

Have a good summer - T.
Have a GOOD summer? Not even a GREAT summer? How freaking half-hearted and lame is that? But still, she must think I'm awesome.

Have a great summer (weird signature) (what appears to be their number)
See you next year!!
Huh? I don't even know who signed this, because there was no name, but they MUST think that I am the most awesome person alive.

Sup Logan!! H.A.G.S. Your Best friend -D. K. (His number)
I mean, how can you NOT be convinced of my awesomeness?

I did not explode lol - I.
Do I need to say anything? She DIDN'T explode guys.

I don't know what this means, or who wrote it, but it's in there none the less.

Well, I'm finished talking about people who wish they were me.

How about a journal entry? YAY!!!
One day I was walking along a river when out of nowhere a hobo popped up. He looked hungry, so I gave him a pebble to chew on. To show his gratitude, he said he would grant me three wishes. Of course, everyone knows that hobos can only grant wises that don't defy the laws of physics. So, I wished first for some hash browns, then for a couple of eggs. This of course left me with a full stomach and one more wish. So I wished that I could have a pen and a notebook, and that's how this story came to be written down.


NicePeace said...

yo have a totally rad summer you super rad guy!

Native Minnow said...

Stay cool! Don't do anything I wouldn't do this summer.

PsychDoctor said...

Have a fun summer...see you next year...

Lightning Strikes said...

Have a super awesome summer!! See you next year dude!